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caballo comiendo


A horse doesn't only eat grass or hay. It is important to adapt the nutrition of the horse to the type and intensity of the activity you expose your horse to.

And a horse needs to be able to drink when it is thirsty. A salt lick ensures that the horse gets enough salt. Horses eat grass and forbes as their primary diet. These food sources are low in minerals such as salt. 



It is important to clean your horse frequently. Start with the currycomb (plastic of rubber) on the upper left part of the neck of the horse. Brush the dust, dirt and mud out of the horse's coat. Brush in circles, moving to the back. Clean the currycomb frequently as it accumulates dirt rapidly. Next you can use the dandy or hard brush to further remove dust and smaller pieces of dirt. To have de coat shine, you can finish with a body or soft brush. Not only do you clean the horse, you also give it a massage, stimulating the blood circulation, toning the muscles and making the coat shine with more intensity.

Clean dust from the eyes and nose with a sponge. The tail and manes can be combed with a wide- bristled mane comb (or even better use a brush to not rip out the hairs) to get tangles out of the mane and tail. If necessary, use your fingers to untangle the manes. Never use scissors!

The hoves need special attention, because they are very sensitive to infections. Using a hoof pick, start at the heel of the foot and pick forward to the toe, carefully removing all rocks, dirt and other foreign objects. 

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